Monday, November 12, 2012

6 ways to correct your posture

I honestly feel pinterest made things sooo much easier to search, as picture always speaks a 1000 words, 

i actually found this 6 ways to correct your back posture. As we all DON'T KNOW,  we actually curve our shoulders forward n look a little hunch due to our constant sitting in front of the computer putting ur hands forwards to the keyboard

I know my shoulders look terrible curved in front  and i look UGLY in pictures, so i feel i need to correct my posture. It aint not like Princess Diaries  method of strapping yourself to a chair with a cloth on yr shoulder, although that works too hahaa

here are the steps :D picture of that girl does no justice to the 6 different step, her version is another type of shoulder relaxation , where u hang ur arms on a chair like her to stretch ur shoulders open :D

 I'm sharing with you all as its part of a motivation to get me started on doing this during my 2 weeks break in dec. Wish me luck to look better on pictues ;) * wink *

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